
"For that toned and shapely body in a few minutes"

Body Composition

Body composition can be defined as the distribution of body mass between three separate compartments: fat free tissue or lean body mass, extracellular water and Adipose tissue. Most people are a unique combination of three body types – Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. Body composition is used to describe the total percentage of fat, water, bones and muscles in your body.
BCA is used to assess an individual and design a customized package for him/her. BMI is analysed through parameters like BMR, BMI, fat%, lean%, age, gender and helps to understand your weight. Body Composition Analysis is a method of describing what the body is made of, thus differentiating between fat, proteins, body water and minerals present in your body to give you a proper snapshot of your health. A healthy balance between fat and muscle is quite vital for health and wellness. An array of gathered evidence shows that maintaining a healthy body composition increases longevity and reduces the risk of many harmful diseases leading to increased energy level and improved self esteem which leads to a happy, beautiful and stress – free life from within. Thus keeping a regular track of your BCA through specially designed appliances and getting it analyzed by experts to know and understand all your issues and get them corrected helps to build a better and healthy life for you.
"Get firmer skin in a few minutes"

Zing Lipo Firming
& Toning

Body firming and toning is provided to you through the use of specialized appliances by highly trained professionals. It often breaks the weight plateau, firming and toning up the loose fat giving a shapelier appearance. Firming tightens the skin and toning is used to break down the fat cells so that the skin appears toned and tightened. Toning and tightening prevents the unwanted sagging which happens during weight loss.
As the fat melts away the skin is unable to return to its original state and that is why firming and toning comes into play while helping you to win the battle against cellulite. Firming gives the best results when used in combination with a healthy eating regime and proper fitness plan. Indirectly the more muscle tissues you add through toning, the greater your basal metabolic rate(BMR)will be and more calories will be burned. Toning and tightening is an essential inclusion along with your weight loss regime.
"Guaranteed 5 kgs in 2 months"

Weight Loss
with a Zing

Discover the needed freedom whether its to get more active or to eat and be healthy or even from unhealthy habits and pitfalls that hold you back from living the best life We provide a holistic, scientific, non -invasive and completely natural weight loss procedure which gives a happy mind and soul. Among its many benefits, weight loss helps in shedding the excess bad fat, thus improving the overall health , fitness and well – being as
well as the medical and biomedical parameters you require for living well. Weight loss is designed and delivered as per individual needs after assessing the same which includes health conditions, body composition and medical issues, knowing which helps to set you the best schedule possible. Fitness assessment includes posture, flexibility, muscle strength, medical check – up and history, anthropometric measurements, particularly waist circumference and waist hip ratio. Weight management requirements are specific to individuals and are provided through a combination of fitness, lifestyle modification, dietary modifications which are supported by safe appliances, manual therapies and customized health drinks rendering desired results provided by our team of doctors, dietitians, physiotherapists, therapists and psychologists. Losing weight and being at your ideal body weight has several benefits like improved fitness and health, an aesthetically appealing appearance, reduction of various health risks like hypertension or high blood pressure or cardiovascular diseases, delaying the onset of disorders like diabetes, pain from osteoarthritis and so on. Here weight loss happens as your body is put in a “negative calories balance” state where you burn more calories than you intake and the body uses reserve stores of fat causing weight loss as per your desire. Zing fit weight loss programmes will help you to understand and envision yourself as a slimmer, healthier and beautiful you from within and outside. It gives you the know-how to develop healthier new habits and inspires you all the way to achieve your dream weight and physique, helping you to live the dream life you want.
"Get firmer skin in a few minutes"

Zing Maintenance
for Life

Zing fit provides you with continuous extensive support, specialized packages and counselling to maintain the weight loss which you have achieved over a very long span of time, helping you to continue being who you want to be for a lifetime.
"For that toned and shapely body in a few minutes"

Zing Bust-o-Trust

To have your bust line in proper shape and size is a dream of every woman. Zing fit brings to you an array of non-invasive, completely safe treatments using advanced medical technology to put your bust line back in shape as well as to give the desired size.
"Remove subcutaneous Body Fat"

Inch Loss/Body Shaping and Figure Correction

Are you continuously targeting this abs to get a flat stomach you desire or are you trying various ways to remove the excess flab from your arms!!why wait! Switch over to zing fit’s variety of spot reduction programmes.
"Fixes energy balance of the body"

Advanced Weight & Inch Loss

Pollar therapy is also known as the “energy medicine” Because it uses several technique the energy flow and energy balance of the body thus resulting in zonal inch loss. This therapy is an unique combination of advanced appliances using the techniques of radio frequency
"Fixes energy balance of the body"

Slim-Zing Tron

Pollar therapy is also known as the “energy medicine” Because it uses several technique the energy flow and energy balance of the body thus resulting in zonal inch loss. This therapy is an unique combination of advanced appliances using the techniques of radio frequency
"A New You in 14 days"

Zing Fit Specials

This is a Specially designed short-term programme which gives you phenomenal results of weight loss, inch loss as well as tightening and toning in just a span of 14 days. In this programme we promote a new concept

"Therapy is given through pressure points"

Zing Magic Hands

They are a set of therapies designed to provide relief and reduce tension and also break down fat cells by activation the pressure points in the body. Therapy is given through traditional pressure point manual massage, muscle
Great Staff
We have a team of highly skilled dieticians, medical professionals.
We also provide a post-COVID 19 recovery programme.
Advanced medically proven non-invasive treatments helps in reducing the excess 'bad' fats.
59A/3 Bosepukur Road, Ground Floor, Next to Santanu Apartment Kolkata 700042

Lets Discuss

Our mission is to provide the best health, heart & soul.

Our motto ” Living well with Doel” points to the hopes of spreading the concept of a beautiful and fit life in every household that utmostly requires it, in turn helping to make the world a better place.
Fitness Modules
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Healing Techniques​
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Happy Hearts
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Years of Experience
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