Zing Magic Hands
Zing Magic Hands
Body Therapy
They are a set of therapies designed to provide relief and reduce tension and also break down fat cells by activation the pressure points in the body. Therapy is given through traditional pressure point manual massage, muscle stimulation by appliances, proper breathing techniques, relaxation and body positioning.
These therapies give complete physical and mental relaxation, breaks down fat cells and helps in weight loss.
These therapies are extremely useful when taken in combination with weight loss regime.
Zing Lipo Detox Treatment
The body regularly flushes out toxins, wastes and unwanted products. At times due to environmental facts, body’s inherent problems or different bad habits of outs remnants of the same might be remaining in the body which makes it unhealthy and bloated.
Body detoxification promotes better blood circulation, stimulating lymp nodes so that there is better detoxification, relaxing muscle tension and of course elimination of toxins from the body.
This method flushes out toxins usind rythmical massage with unique scrubbing salts, rejuvenating essential oils, appliance using radio frequency to break down fat cells, mineral packs and certain special detoxification drinks.
Prior to the therapy the clients must meet an experienced consultant who will check the BCA wherein along with the treatment they will adviced customized food pattern and exercise regime.
Zing lipo detox will cause elimination of toxins, loss of fat, weight loss, improved body shape, breakaway of weight plateau and a healthier you.
Expected Result
Weight Loss: Upto 800 gms per session
Inch Loss: Upto 4-6
Complete detoxification
Target area(tummy, waist, thighs, hips)